
How we protect your mobile environment

Mobile Threat Defense

A solution that alleviates CISOs, workplace managers and IT teams’ workload: add texte Learn more

Securing mobile BYOD
Secure Private Store

Get a company-branded private store to secure your corporate applications and documents used on personally owned or external smartphones and tablets. With no need to manage devices, you simply ensure business data security.
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Ensuring compliance for applications
Mobile Application Compliance Audit

Today, mobile applications are vital to businesses, but are they safe? Pradeo’s Compliance Audit vets mobile applications and provides a clear view over their security. This enables organizations to tackle risks before they harm users.
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Secure mobile applications
Runtime Application Self Protection (RASP)

Prevent your mobile applications from being attacked while running on end-user smartphones. Our Runtime Application Self Protection is a library that empowers mobile applications with a set of detection and response features.
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Securing mobile applications

Prevent your mobile applications from being hacked. Application shielding is also known as hardening. It makes the code of an application extremely complex to understand, decipher and penetrate.
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Secure applications’ source code
Application Security Testing

Prevent your applications from being successfully attacked. Smoothly integrate source code analysis into your software development cycles. Continuously analyze, detect and correct code vulnerabilities.
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Data manipulation is becoming increasingly regulated around the world. This page contains a non-exhaustive list of the most important laws, regulations and recommendations regarding the privacy of data manipulated through mobile devices and applications. For more information on how your company can comply, talk to one of our experts.

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Become a partner

Looking to enrich your cybersecurity portfolio with leading mobile security services? Be it for mobile device or application protection, Pradeo solutions will meet your clients' needs regarding mobile security. Our channel management team is at your disposal to introduce you to our services and train you to efficiently sell them.


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